Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Great Brotain
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Brosing Remarks? (Brope)
Friday, December 2, 2011
Brome Stretch
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Brotpourri/Brolture wars

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011
Brorgiveness / Broflections
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Happy belated halloween, escrocs! I hope everyone had a fantastic time out and about Monday, reveling in the only night of the year (with the possible exception of Passover) that people can pretend to be on the margins of society--whores, zombies, etc.--and yell at strangers until they are given desserts. When I think back, my all-time favorite Halloween has got to be 10/31/1998, the year I dressed up like Bill Clinton and, due to an understandable administrative mix-up, was called in to break things off permanently with Monica Lewinsky on the President's behalf. Trick got a treat all right.
Ever since then, Halloween has just not seemed real enough for me. I've been doing bigger and more intricate costumes, like in 2006 when I commemorated the 100th anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake by dressing up as one hundred earthquakes, but it always feels like I'm missing something. That's why this year I was SO excited when I figured out a totally amazing new way to celebrate Halloween: get sick! That's right, sick. While you guys were out parading your adorable, taking-Disney-to-a-whole-new-level-of-inappropriate getups, I was in bed, sweating and yet also freezing my balls off, fighting off delirium, sucking hot water through a tube, shaking violently as I tried to take one of those trusty French medications (this one I believe was called Feral Alien), only conscious enough to listen to Seinfeld episodes--which, I've realized, does not compromise the quality of the show in any way.
Soon enough, however, my body realized that everything would be fine if it just chilled out for a minute and let me go to sleep; and that is exactly what I did. TWELVE HOURS LATER, I woke up, no fever, no chills, no pain in the glavin, feeling like roughly 724,000 euros. The day after Halloween in France is a federal holiday, an unbelievably brilliant idea which America should adopt immediately if She wants to be taken seriously in this world. This jour férié, French for "Shabbat", is crucial for those of us who need to catch up on sleep, The Wire, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, Up All Night, the original Office, crossword puzzles, the AFI Top 100, the IMDB Top 250, Wesleying, La Blogothèque, the Paul Rudd discography, reading, and other essentials.
Also, professional sports. What does that mean anymore? I've completely lost touch. Trying to get a football game on at a bar here is like asking Jesse Ross-Silverman who won the World Series: you feel stupid for even posing the question.
Jesse's cool with me saying that.* We caught up a lot when I tagged along with him, Ari "A-Fish Twin" Fishman, and Molly "My Dad Makes Lots of Things Have Sex with Each Other" Hanessian at Pitchfork last weekend. The festival capped off an outrageously fun five days I spent in Paris. I really did it all, you know, from climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower, to stealing a stuffed elk from the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, to seeing Justin Vernon French kiss Lykke Li at the Grande Halle de la Villette, to shooting a mime off the Pont Alexandre III, to briefly curating the unbelievable Yayoi Kusama exhibit at the Centre Pompidou, to finding a parking ticket that belonged to Jean-Paul Sartre at the Café Flor, to having a glass bottle broken on me so it could be used as a weapon against a homeless man on the ligne 8, to translating the new Clooney/Gosling movie The Ides of March to an entirely French audience, to looting a construction site with Jens Lekman off the Rue du Rivoli, to getting a 24-hour hallucination from a falafel/opium I got in the Marais, to delivering the 7,000,000,000th child at the Hôpital Saint-Vincent de Paul, to wearing the same pair of jeans every day of my entire vacation except Friday.**
Ah, memories. Well, it's time for me to face the music and give a presentation on the influence of William Shakespeare in The Portrait of Dorian Gray, which could either last 45 minutes or none at all because the professor said that she might also just not pick us to present so it's like, okay, great, I guess I will just do all this work for your class even though it is only worth 25% of the total comp lit course, but it's cool that I stayed up until 4am two weeks ago and did the fucking paper while you were "sick" in bed and didn't tell us we wouldn't have class until we were already at school, so that's
[Edited Thursday, 19h00: The presentation lasted two hours. That is not a typo.]
*This remains to be seen.
**Many of these things actually happened to me.*
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Broncerts, Brontmartre*, etc.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Brost Family, other things

Not cool. But, actually, due to the fact that I am not black, and that I have hidden my partially Jewish heritage from them thus far, I am treated great. The house has about 23034 rooms, give or take, and I am allowed in almost all of them (no living room for me- too much breakable stuff.) My room has a fireplace with a marble mantelpiece, giant windows, and 20 pictures of my host sister, who looks exactly like Marine Le Pen. Also, they took me to their country house last weekend, an invitation which in France signifies that they are sick of my having parties in their apartment when they go without me. They also invited my friend, Christian "Christian" Lalonde, who due to his super-French, super-God-friendly name, probably seems like the son they never had (although they have 4 already). They love God.
Anyways, in non-host family life, and speaking of Christian, it is with him that I went to Versailles the other week, which is where Louis XIV did his broin' back in the day. Although there was a conspicuous lack of free trains going there, we somehow managed to make it (we jumped the turnstile). Along with our friend Koko "Loko" Fisch, we rented a row-boat (bro-boat) and commenced to tear that lake a new one! Which is to say, I rowed a little bit, Christian led us into a boat full of small children, sparking a Titanic-like panic, and when we got tired we made Koko row us around (sarcastic French man's quote: "you are really good guys!"). After that, we conked out on the first patch of grass we could find, because in Paris it is literally illegal to step on the grass in the parks. They have little fake police who come yell at you if you do. Actually. I know about the fake police because one day not too long ago, having found the rare park with grass-sitting privileges, I ecstatically pulled out a bottle of wine to drink. Unfortunately, sans corkscrew, I had to resort to putting the bottom of the bottle in my shoe and smacking it against a lamp-post (look it up), which caused an enraged Eurotrip robot-doppelganger to come over, yell at me, take my wine, open it with his corkscrew, give it back, and kick me out. One of those "only in France" scenarios. In any case, we were safe in Versailles, and I was so happy I made like 8 grass-angels. After that, we took the RER back home (stands for Running Extremely 'Ratically) and face-planted into some wine. Actually, speaking of grass, and Christian-related activities....
Christian and I, being extremely sportif and beauf, decided to play on our University's rugby team, which by the looks of the poster is populated by the 12-year-old sons of professors. After spending 2 hours looking for the practice field, we found it on the campus of the French National Veterinary School. I'm pretty sure in France, "veterinarian" means "animal that is a doctor", because this campus was literally fucking full of animals. Dogs, horses, cats, just everywhere. The practice was almost over, so we just watched. Not twelve-year-olds, just weak French people. I think me and Christian might be the biggest guys on the team. It's like they have never seen a weight. True story: Christian went to the gym yesterday, and was bench-pressing the same weight as the "trainer" there was, which led to all sorts of ooh-ing and aah-ing among the onlookers. I can't wait to play....
Ok, gotta go curl up in Napoleon's bed. Hopefully my friend Chloe "Broe" Boxer isn't in bed yet because she is waiting with bated breath for me to post. Up next, I tell you about the weird concert I went to, and A.I. gives a breakdown of the French electoral process!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Blog sans Blague
At Diderot I have two biology courses, and at Reid Hall I'm taking a course about monsters from a guy who looks like a mix between Dracula and Bill Hader and a course about globalization in Africa. As of right now I have class and class-related stuff only three days a week, which gives me ample time to stroll, relax, visit sites, and continue my search for the perfect bottle of wine. I just recently made my first French Friend, whose name is Theo, at an Irish bar the other week. I think he likes me because we are already doing the cheek-kissy thing with each other, which is totally normal and cool here, I'm pretty sure. Last week I went to Versailles with a cool dude and a cool dudette.. stay tuned for more stories! Wait til you hear the one about my racist host parents!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Brosh Hashanah
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Brodeshead Revisited
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Brogeuoise Lifestyle

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
On the Broad

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
L.V.E.B. takes on Paris

Quoi de neuf, putes?? As you may have heard, the major contingent of La Vie en Bros recently made the move to Paris, the home of the Eiffel Tower, Daft Punk, DSK, and the menage a trois. Things here have been great, despite the absence of A.I., as our predisposition towards doing stupid drunk shit actually seems to fit in with the Parisian lifestyle. What stupid drunk shit, you might ask? Well, a friend of mine who shall remain nameless recently spent the night on a filthy sidewalk after considering the trip home and saying "fuck that". He woke up at 5 the next morning with no wallet and head lice (speculation). Later that week, a select few members of our posse spent 12 hours at the INOX electronic music festival doing absolutely irresponsible things... and came home with Steve Aoki's inflatable boat as evidence. Sorry, Steve!