Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blog sans Blague

Careful, A.I.... the French aren't too down with the Juifs... dunno if I'd broadcast it that much. I've been reading over the blog and I just realized I've written literally nothing about what I'm actually doing on a day-to-day basis here. After all, there is life between wine breaks, short as it might be. Right now I'm taking four classes a week- two at Universite Paris 7 (Denis Diderot), and two at Reid Hall, the building where our program is headquartered along with those of Columbia, UPenn, Hamilton, SMU, Delaware, and Rollins (yeah, I dunno either).

At Diderot I have two biology courses, and at Reid Hall I'm taking a course about monsters from a guy who looks like a mix between Dracula and Bill Hader and a course about globalization in Africa. As of right now I have class and class-related stuff only three days a week, which gives me ample time to stroll, relax, visit sites, and continue my search for the perfect bottle of wine. I just recently made my first French Friend, whose name is Theo, at an Irish bar the other week. I think he likes me because we are already doing the cheek-kissy thing with each other, which is totally normal and cool here, I'm pretty sure. Last week I went to Versailles with a cool dude and a cool dudette.. stay tuned for more stories! Wait til you hear the one about my racist host parents!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha you're pretty sure... also really only commenting to say PLEASE CHANGE THE BACKGROUND while you're updating your blog/monetizing it and such. really do us all a favor. by us all, obv namely me.
