Tuesday, September 13, 2011

L.V.E.B. takes on Paris

Quoi de neuf, putes?? As you may have heard, the major contingent of La Vie en Bros recently made the move to Paris, the home of the Eiffel Tower, Daft Punk, DSK, and the menage a trois. Things here have been great, despite the absence of A.I., as our predisposition towards doing stupid drunk shit actually seems to fit in with the Parisian lifestyle. What stupid drunk shit, you might ask? Well, a friend of mine who shall remain nameless recently spent the night on a filthy sidewalk after considering the trip home and saying "fuck that". He woke up at 5 the next morning with no wallet and head lice (speculation). Later that week, a select few members of our posse spent 12 hours at the INOX electronic music festival doing absolutely irresponsible things... and came home with Steve Aoki's inflatable boat as evidence. Sorry, Steve!

Also, syphilis. Shenanigans aside, Paris has been great. We went on a boat tour of the Seine, visited the Louvre, and have gone to Luxembourg Gardens. Also, some of us started classes this week at what I've been told is the community college of Paris. So it's not all just fun and games- just mostly fun and games. Stay tuned- A.I.'s next up with a quick recap of L.V.E.B.'s visit to the fine Musee d'Aquitaine!

1 comment:

  1. I can comment on this!!! Good thing i had a nerdy required blog for my enviro action class last year. No judgment please. Keep up the good work guys, lovin the blog! hahahah quoi de neuf, miss that. Please don't be too dumb. <3 <3 <3 i also am requesting lengthier posts with more detail please
