You know what else has a lot of sand? The beach! That's what we learned the other day when we went to this lil' spot on the map called Arcachon. That's French for "tourist trap". While there, we promenaded around these markets, selling entire dead pigs and the like. Seriously. After that, we ate at a little restaurant which had these dishes called galettes, which are like little crepe presents filled with ham and cheese and other stuff. And now comes the best part: day drinking. Also, the beach. Seriously, we must have gone through about 12 bottles of wine on the beach. I have no doubt we set American tourists back at least 25 years. (The fact that we opened the bottles with a key didn't help). But I digress. The beach itself was great. Apart from the classy wine clinic, we also swam and tanned- good times all around. After a bit, we returned to the bus for our trip back to Bordeaux, but not before buying one more bottle of wine for the ride. Oh man.... us.